Thursday, September 2, 2010

Thursday's Parsha Tidbits - Parshios Netzavim & Vayelech

The following is a brief summary of a thought said over by R' Frand on the parsha. I have attempted to reproduce the vort to the best of my ability. Any perceived inconsistency is the result of my efforts to transcribe the shiur and should not be attributed to R' Frand.

[Ed note: Due to issues with transmission of the shiur this evening, I have been unable to duplicate the entire parsha portion. I hope to iy'h do an additional post tomorrow which will supplement this blog entry].

In Parshas Nitzavim, the Torah writes at Devarim 29:28, "Hanistaros L'Hashem Elokeinu, V' Haniglos Lanu u'Lvaneinu ad Olam..." This is translated as - the hidden are for Hashem our G-d, and the revealed are for us and our children forever.

Rabbi Frand stated derech hadrush that the pasuk is teaching us the power of chinuch. When the pasuk states that the hidden are for Hashem, this refers to the sins which a person commits in private which are between the person and Hashem. Only Hashem knows that the person has sinned against Him and while the person must do teshuva, the affront is only between him and G-d.

However, the public sins, these are for us and our children. When a person does an act in public, his children see his actions and learn that this is acceptable conduct. If the person makes a kiddush Hashem, the children learn and want to emulate him. However, if the person c'vs does a negative act, the children will observe and believe that this is an acceptable mode of conduct and this could stay with them and be passed on to their children and so on, forever.

R' Frand then quoted R' Vulba who states that a person who is a ba'al middos will protect his children as they will see his actions and take similar acts.

R' Frand then told over a question that was asked to the Chazon Ish about the best location to daven on the yamim noraim. The person asking the sheilah had an option to daven in a Beis Medrash where he would have greater concentration on his prayers, but there was no room for his children to join him. In the alternative, the man could daven in a regular shul where there was room for the kids, but his kavanah would be less intense. The Chazon Ish responded that the person was better off davening in the regular shul where his children could join him and see how he davened on the high holidays.

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